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Today: July 5, 2024
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Scam News: Darren Ewert Vancouver Case Update

Darren Ewert Vancouver
Darren Ewert Vancouver

Darren Ewert Vancouver is a notable multi-level marketing (MLM) con artist who was responsible for a large fraud known as the “Dream Team.” For the sole purpose of evading the authorities and the fury of all of his victims, he has been passing from one nation to another.

In the following examination, we will discuss his illegal acts as well as the marketing attempts that Darren Ewert is making to demonstrate how he is attempting to divert people’s attention away from his past of defrauding many individuals.

The following are some of the most significant assertions made by his public relations team:

Revealing Darren Ewert Vancouver and Mike Dreher’s Dirty Past in Vancouver

Examining the Enagic Multilevel Marketing Pyramid Scheme in-depth


The people of Bhutan have discovered that two Canadians, Darren Ewert and Mike Dreher, are involved in a massive MLM pyramid scam in their country. Many people in Bhutan and Australia have fallen into this scam, which entails selling pricey Enagic water ionizers and offering them positions as “Digital Business Owners” on a network they call the “Dream Team.”

Darren Ewert Vancouver and Dreher are used by the Japanese multi-level marketing corporation Enagic to attract new customers for their expensive water ionizers. Around 100,000 people, mostly from Asian nations (including a large Filipino contingent), make up the Dream Team they’re leading.

Joining the network costs USD149, creating a website costs USD20, and buying a water ionizer, which allows them to become distributors, costs a substantial sum of Nu 550,000. In addition to keeping the $149 membership fee for themselves, Darren Ewert Vancouver and Dreher stand to gain handsomely from any sales made in Bhutan or elsewhere by their Dream Team members.

Just from membership fees, the two could easily amass USD 14.9 million with over 100,000 members worldwide. There would be a revenue range of $200 million to $300 million if even half of these members—about 50,000—purchase the water ionizers and become distributors. Darren Ewert Vancouver and Dreher recoup most of the commissions earned from these sales.

Recruiting new members who pay hefty initial fees is the lifeblood of this multi-level marketing enterprise. Ewert and Dreher reap the rewards of both the one-time membership payments and the continuing commissions that come from new members bringing in even more members. The hefty charges and the pressure to acquire new members to earn commissions put financial stress on many recruits, especially those from Bhutan and other Asian nations, despite the promises of prosperous digital entrepreneurship.

This multi-level marketing (MLM) system is structured and runs like a pyramid scheme, with a heavy emphasis on recruiting, hefty entrance prices, and a disproportionate distribution of wealth at the very top. Legal and ethical issues, such as exploitation and misleading tactics, are brought up by this paradigm. To protect themselves financially against scams, prospective recruits should be wary and do their homework before becoming involved with such programs.

Presenting Additional Marketing Claims Made by His Public Relations Team—What is Darren Ewert Vancouver Up to Now? 

While driving around in 2015, Mike and Darren did some soul-searching and came now was the perfect time to make some changes in their life. Darren Ewert Vancouver had made enormous advances in the realm of online business in recent years and was now sitting on a fortune. With his extensive background in business spanning over 15 years, Mike was well-equipped to guide others and assist them in reaching their goals. So, why was a change necessary?

If you haven’t figured this out by now, you will since life is brief. At the same time, you’ll probably realize that being busy with life has also eaten up a lot of your time. Many important details have slipped your notice. They were crushed by the weight of this very item.

Even though they were working long hours, Darren and Mike knew they were helping a lot of people get affluent. One of their skills was knowing how to put together a team and generate money online. It was then that Darren and Mike realized it was the perfect chance for everyone involved.

Right now, things are different. Instead of crashing first thing in the morning, you savor a cup of espresso. We no longer let those precious moments slip between the cracks since Darren and Mike’s work hours are interwoven with their real lives. We are working a fraction of our previous hours and increasing our income simultaneously. Having said that, what stands out the most?

Every morning, Darren and Mike are filled with energy because they know they can help other people achieve the same Opportunity: more time and more money to enjoy that time with! Sharing makes life better, and they get to help their community members remember to focus on the important things—like spending time with loved ones—every day.


It has been determined that Darren Ewert, who is presently staying in Vancouver, is an extremely dangerous con artist who moved to a tiny nation to deceive the people who live there.

According to the findings of the investigation, Ewert has been responsible for the deception of hundreds of thousands of people via his fraudulent multi-level marketing (MLM) scams, which have resulted in the accumulation of more than $14 million.

On top of that, Darren Ewert Vancouver has put a significant amount of work into restoring his public image to commit new frauds.

Multiple-level marketing (MLM) is plagued with con artists who use deceptive marketing strategies to trick more people into joining their schemes. In this particular category, notable people such as Mansour Tawafi, Luiz Goes, and Justin Halladay will be discussed.

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